Our school is an inclusive school and fully embraces the difference and diversity of all pupils. We believe that every child is extraordinary and we view differences as an opportunity for adults and children alike to learn more about ourselves.

We make reasonable adjustments to ensure that pupils with special educational needs are not placed at a substantial disadvantage. Our accessibility plan (available from the school office or click here) describes the arrangements we have already made and the further proposals planned, to improve physical access to the school, access to the curriculum and access to written information.

Is accessibility plan included in part of local offer?

The school has a policy for supporting children with special educational needs, which is revised yearly. This policy is available from the school office (or click here). Our aim is for all children to have access to all aspects of school life, as far as is reasonable and practicable. In addition to this the school publishes a ‘Local Offer’ on its website which identifies in more detail how learning and provision is developed at school (please see the local offer section on the school website).

Click here to learn more about SEND at St Michael's