Our School Curriculum

The Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is rooted in high-expectations and ambition for all our pupils. It responds to the needs of individuals and enables them to flourish academically and spiritually.  

Our vision and values form the cornerstone of our work at St Michael’s. As a church school we recognise that we serve our community and so we aim to provide, via the quality of our education, opportunities for every pupil to progress and develop so they are ready to engage in the next stage of their education. 

Our vison and values sets out how we, as a school community, have chosen to aim high for all in terms of learning and development and forms the basis of our curriculum provision. Our goal is to deliver a rich, progressive knowledge and skills based curriculum that is engaging and that empowers and challenges children.  

Our curriculum is based around key texts for each year group in every term. These texts are studied as part of our whole-class reading and writing sessions. These books have been carefully aligned with the various history, geography and science areas of study to create a connected series of lessons, meaning children can make strong connections between subjects.  

Our curriculum is planned sequentially, with key knowledge, skills and vocabulary mapped out ensuring both teachers and pupils are clear with what they are expected to learn, how they will learn and, crucially, why it is important to learn. 

At St. Michael’s every child is recognised as a unique individual and is provided with opportunities and experiences to enable them to have the confidence and skills to make decisions, make connections and become lifelong learners. We also aim to enrich our curriculum by planning in visitors, visits and workshops throughout the year to bring depth to our pupils’ experiences.  

If you would like to know more about our school curriculum please contact Mrs F Webb via admin@stmichaelsprimary.uk 


Acorn Curriculum PrinciplesSt Michaels Curriculum Overview